“An international authority which effectively limits the powers of the state over the individual will be one of the best safeguards of peace. The international Rule of Law must become a safeguard as much against the tyranny of the state over the individual as against the tyranny of the new super-state over the national communities. Neither an omnipotent super-state, nor a loose association of “free nations”, but a community of nations of free men must be our goal”.
Hayek, Friedrich (1944, 1976) The Road To Serfdom. Routledge & Kegan Paul. p. 175.
“Since it has been argued so far that an essentially liberal economic regime is a necessary condition for the success of any interstate federation, it may be added, in conclusion, that the converse is no less true: the abrogation of national sovereignties and the creation of an effective international order of law is a necessary complement and the logical consummation of the liberal program”.
Hayek, Friedrich (1939) The Economic Conditions of Interstate Federalism, reprinted in Individualism and Economic Order (1949, 1976) Routledge & Kegan Paul. p.269.
Essay Contest
What type of international order is most conducive to the preservation of liberalism? What is the appropriate role for the subsidiarity principle and/or secession? What institutional and cultural underpinnings are necessary for successful international orders? How does trade policy relate to and/or influence the larger institutional international order?
Essays should address one or more of these quotes from Hayek and/or suggested questions. More information on the conference theme can be found at www.mpsoslo.org. Essays structured as a professional scholarly journal article are especially encouraged.
First prize: $2500 cash award + travel grant*
Second prize: $1500 cash award + travel grant*
Third prize: $1000 cash award + travel grant*
Visit www.montpelerin.org for more information about the Society, and visit www.mpsoslo.org for more information on the General Meeting.
The Hayek Essay Contest is open to all individuals 36 years old or younger. Entrants should write a 5,000 word (maximum) essay. Essays are due on May 31, 2022 and the winners will be announced on June 30, 2022. Essays must be submitted in English only. Electronic versions should be sent to mps.youngscholars@ttu.edu. Authors of winning essays must present their papers at the General Meeting to receive their award*. The essays will be judged by an international panel of three members of the Society.
*Travel grant includes coach class airfare, registration fee, and most meals. Hotel, other food, and other expenses will be the responsibility of the attendee. Please contact us at mps.youngscholars@ttu.edu with additional questions.
Liberal Institutions and International Order
Clarion Hotel The Hub
Oslo, Norway
October 4-8, 2022
Photo frontpage
Hans Kristian Thorbjørnsen
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